Change,Chance & Chaos Westbound Speed Record around the World 1986! and First formation flight Over the North Pole,Fighter
Jets Russian Mig17F,British Provost Jet and French MS760 Paris Jet
6:07 pm edt
Canada's own Indiana Jones!! Toronto Sun 1987 !World Speed Record! Niagara Gazette 1986!! North Pole Cincinnati Enquirer 1987!!
High Flyer adventurer Dallas Morning News 1991!! High Flyer Halifax Hearld 2006!! Set to Jet(hair on Fire) Truro Daily
News 2006!!,Falkland Islands & Anarctica Greenland and Iceland in Aerostar 2014 Margaret Lipworth & Kathryn McCulloch (Drone guru) as
co-pilots The Life and Times of David Donald McCulloch From Mariner,Salesman,Aviator
and Entrepeneur,flying to over 95 countries
2:33 pm edt
David flew his own planes to over 100 countries ( North Pole & Anarctica)for Sales,Business,Adventure and Learning.
RIDING the FIRE is a story of a man who pilots his private airplanes, flying around the world
for SALES adventure and business.
((DAVID in 2023-2024)) LOOKING for Excitement, bussiness ventures and
help people acheive their their dreams